How has your company adjusted to the New Normal? Our Co-Founder/CEO Kyle Shannon was a guest on the podcast The New Normal, to discuss exactly that.
Listen to/Watch the full podcast here:
Some of the aspects of the new normal we’re all experiencing:
· Storyvine has always had a friendly, fun, and supportive work culture. Since we have so many clients outside of Denver, we already did a lot of webinars and remote working anyway. But we definitely miss each other. We have a Slack channel devoted to all things Fun, and that helps.
· The new small talk on video calls is, “What’s that in your background?” which is a much better way of getting to know someone than “How’s the weather there?”
· It feels like it was a flip of a coin whether you had a business that became more important or less as a result of the pandemic. Storyvine was lucky in being a company that does remote video production, which is in increasingly high demand as we all adjust to this new normal. We’re incredibly grateful for that.
Thanks Cypress Data Defense for having Kyle on as your first guest! As you can see in the video, he had a lot of fun.
Listen to/Watch the full podcast here: And please note Kyle’s messy shelves in the background.
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